He Tātai Rangahua – Food and Fibre Youth Network


This youth network, established in May 2021, provides opportunities for young people in the food and fibre sector to participate in the development and success of the food and fibre sector, giving them a voice at a national level. The youth network is also available for primary industry organisations to consult with, seek views from and have access to the voice of the sector’s youth for a variety of activities.

The network currently has 140 members in their wider network located throughout New Zealand who span a range of food and fibre industries. The network is made up of a council of 9 people, who are supported by an advisory group.

The network is a joint initiative by New Zealand Young Farmers and the Ministry for Primary Industries, supported by Beef + Lamb New Zealand, DairyNZ, and Agmardt.

Justification for excellence as assessed against framework

This artefact matches best to the vocational excellence rubric for Pastoral Care. Though this artefact is not directly related to provision or delivery of vocational education and training (VET), it does demonstrate excellence in the support, encouragement, and community-building of youth participation in the sector. It also fosters VET excellence by creating a channel of communication between the youth and VET providers.

Through the network, young representatives have the opportunity, resources, and platform to raise issues, discuss solutions, and have input into critical decisions affecting their relevant industries. It provides them with a supportive community network to address concerns not only in training or work-related areas, but also in a more holistic context – expanding out to issues such as wellbeing and the environment.

Additional information and links

Official website: https://www.ffyouthnetwork.co.nz/

Contact details

Name: Trevor McIntyre

E-mail: trevor.mcintyre@youngfarmers.co.nz

Phone:  021 994 173