Skills beyond School – Synthesis Report

A 2014 review of Vocational Education and Training commissioned by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Post-secondary vocational education and training plays an under-recognised role in country skill systems. This report examines a range of vocational programmes requiring more than six months full-time education and addresses the policy challenges arising from the increasing demand for higher level technical and professional skills.

Discussion topics include:

  • A statistical picture of professional education and training
  • Enhancing the profile of professional education and training (clear international terminology, strengthening the institutional and funding base, Sustaining coherence in a diverse system
  • Key elements of high quality post-secondary programmes; Making work-based learning systematic, Strengthening the training workforce, Ensuring adequate basic skills
  • Transparency in learning outcomes; Building strong qualification systems, Competence-based models, Effective assessment
  • Clearer pathways for learners
  • Key characteristics of effective vocational systems