Originator/Sponsor: Food and Fibre CoVE
Portfolio Managers: Jackie Lynch
Status: In Delivery
Planned delivery date: 31 October 2024
Lead Agency / Service Provider: Skills Consulting Group
The objective of this review is to evaluate the current tertiary education funding system against Food and Fibre CoVE’s vocational education framework’s funding rubric.
This will be completed in two phases.
Phase 1 – evaluate the current funding system against the rubric, including:
- The Unified Funding System implemented as part of the 2019 Reform of Vocational Education
- Other relevant funds (and associated funding determinations) that support vocational education in the food and fibre sector (including but not limited to Youth Guarantee, Gateway, Literacy and Numeracy funds)
- Identify any other government funding provided specifically for vocational education and training in the food and fibre sector (e.g. MPI, MBIE, MSD)
- Identify any other industry and/or private sector funding, levies, PPPs, or contributions that support vocational education and training (VET) in or for the food and fibre sector.
Phase 2 – evaluate the new or replacement funding system against the rubric, in terms of elements (a) through (d) in phase 1 (to commence when the new funding model is released).
If the evidence identifies a material difference between the old and new models, a short comparative analysis will be provided as an overarching executive summary over the current and future system reports.
Food and Fibre CoVE has developed a vocational excellence framework consisting of a set of evaluative rubrics based on a generic maturity model of acceptable, good, or excellent.
One of the rubrics describes features with respect to vocational education and training systems’ financing. In the context of anticipated changes to the funding model for vocational education, Food and Fibre CoVE would like to understand how well the current vocational education funding meets vocational excellence as defined in the funding rubric and ultimately, compare this with the future or proposed funding model once it is released.
The above information was current as at 30 August 2024