A New Approach to Learner Pathways, was published by Muka Tangata in January 2023 to put forward concepts and design principles to reform the Vocational Education approach for the Food and Fibre Sector. From there, a co-funded research project by Muka Tangata and the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (FF CoVE) investigated what type of framework would provide the desired outcomes for the sector (See research report here). This document aims to breathe life into the Food and Fibre Skills Framework, by expanding it to include skill descriptions and attributes for the Core Transferable Skills.
The Food and Fibre Skills Framework has been developed to:
This document expands on the initial conceptual framework by adding the following details to the Core Transferable Skill Sets:
This Skills Framework detail has been jointly developed by a core team, funded by Food and Fibre CoVE. It has been developed as a starting point for many discussions and iterations to come.
With thanks to Boost Business Services, On Task Ltd, HTK Ltd and Ripple Ed Ltd for their expertise, valuable insights and fruitful collaboration.