Learner-Focused, Industry-Led, Government-Enabled

A New Approach to Learner Pathways, was published by Muka Tangata in January 2023 to put forward concepts and design principles to reform the Vocational Education approach for the Food and Fibre Sector. From there, a co-funded research project by Muka Tangata and the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (FF CoVE) investigated what type of framework would provide the desired outcomes for the sector (See research report here). This document aims to breathe life into the Food and Fibre Skills Framework, by expanding it to include skill descriptions and attributes for the Core Transferable Skills.


The Food and Fibre Skills Framework has been developed to:

  • Develop a common language to describe skills and knowledge, which will support flexible qualifications and transferable skills
  • Help understand which skills are relevant across many food and fibre sectors and workplaces, and which are more specialised
  • Help recognise skills that are gained outside of the formal qualification system
  • Enable the future proofing of food and fibre sector skills and capabilities, addressing new and emerging skills as well as current skills.
  • Enable the simplification of qualifications


This document expands on the initial conceptual framework by adding the following details to the Core Transferable Skill Sets:

  • Skill descriptions for each skill set
  • Expanded depth of view of the skills, using whakataukī (proverb or saying that expresses wisdom or advice, with no known author) and whakatauākī (proverb or saying attributed to a known person, often a leader or someone of significance expressing their personal views or philosophies).
  • Descriptions of elements which make up the skill
  • Framing statement for each level in the progression, to help the reader identify their competency
  • A scenario to set the scene for each skill set, to help the reader understand the importance of the skills
  • An indication of available learning resources for each skill set

This Skills Framework detail has been jointly developed by a core team, funded by Food and Fibre CoVE. It has been developed as a starting point for many discussions and iterations to come.

With thanks to Boost Business Services, On Task Ltd, HTK Ltd and Ripple Ed Ltd for their expertise, valuable insights and fruitful collaboration.