Residential Group Training Research Project (Phase 2)

Originator/Sponsor: Food and Fibre CoVE

Portfolio Managers: Jackie Lynch

Status: Business Case under development

Planned delivery date: To be determined

Lead Agency/Service Provider: Skills Consulting Group

Collaborating partners: Te Uru Rakau, Te Pūkenga, Beef and Lamb NZ, Horticulture NZ, Ministry of Primary Industries, Muka Tangata, Fruition, DairyNZ, Seafood, Global Apprenticeship Network

Primary Objective(s):

To test the Phase 1 model against relevant policy settings and good practices (including FFCoVE’s Vocational Excellence Framework) to ensure system deliverability and industry credibility
To consider how the new training model can expand or augment current formal VET delivery, to attract more learners and employers through the availability of a new and fit-for-purpose training option for the sector.


The Residential and Group Training Project (Phase 1) designed a 30-week hybrid residential and group delivery model. Phase 2 now requires that we engage a host provider to pilot this model to confirm that it not only can work, but can be scaled to cater for an ongoing demand across multiple industries.

Residential and Group Training has a long history in NZ and this project seeks to discover what does and doesn’t work in this space. Phase 1 resulted in a hybrid Induction Model that suggests a potential model for delivery, design, accreditation and funding options based on the research conducted. Considerations and features of the model were informed by the Phase 1 situational analysis. The industry insights from global, historical, and traditional perspectives, as well as new initiatives, which have been considered in the design of the hybrid induction model. The considerations cover all aspects of establishing a pilot, from pilot establishment, stakeholder involvement, cost and funding estimates, and programme structure, design and delivery.

The above information was current as at 22 March 2023