Learner-Focused, Industry-Led, Government-Enabled

Appreciating and Supporting Neurodiversity in VET

Recognising neurodiversity as an asset, this is an opportunity to explore untapped potential, and the challenges individuals face in education and employment, particularly in times of skill shortages.

This new project stems from recognising neurodiversity as an asset rather than a deficit, and acknowledging the diverse ways individuals experience and interact with the world.

With an estimated 10% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s population being neurodiverse, there is untapped potential to address the challenges they face in education and employment, particularly within key industries experiencing skill shortages.

As challenges are industry-agnostic, this is a joint venture between ConCoVE* and Food and Fibre CoVE.

This project will deliver the following outcomes:

  • A comprehensive analysis of current literature and practices of supporting neurodiverse workers and learners domestically and internationally, including culture and gender.
  • Proposals for:
    • Training in education and work assessment design, learning design, and presentation of materials using a cultural and gender lens.
    • Tools to enable learners/employers to understand what neurodiverse is and what approaches can benefit them.
    • Supporting those with neurodiversity with strategies to empower themselves to learn and work.

*ConCOVE Tūhura is New Zealand’s Centre of Vocational Excellence for the construction and infrastructure sectors. As an applied research agency, ConCOVE initiates and funds projects aimed at addressing skills shortages, improving training, and enabling career pathways. 

Industry groups

All People, Food & Fibre

Joint Initiative

Project status



Skills Group

Delivery date

November 2024


Lilla du Toit, Portfolio Manager



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