Otago Polytechnic offers students the opportunity to formally acknowledge existing skills and competencies, either through cross crediting, credit transfer, Advanced Standing, or Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL). Applicants must provide evidence of their capabilities, for example relevant workplace experience, or that they have previously completed a course and obtained learning outcomes similar to that of their desired target course. Evidence must be an original document, or verified, for example by a Justice of the Peace. The process is overseen by an advisor or facilitator, who advises the applicant on the operation of the process and the type of assessment that will be required, as well as an experienced assessor, who conducts the assessment based on evidence provided by the applicant. The RPL process can incur application and assessment fees, depending on the type.
Justification for excellence as assessed against framework
This artefact best aligns with R9: Skills Recognition and Credentials, demonstrating elements of excellence that many other attempted RPL initiatives have struggled to achieve. In terms of Participation and Access, this system encourages entry into both education and employment, wherein students can more easily achieve nationally and internationally recognised certifications, enhancing opportunities for career progression and life-long learning. Otago Polytechnic’s RPL process provides a flexible yet rigorous pathway to achieve these credentials, acknowledging individual learner needs and previous experience, with good recognition of transferable skills and credentials between institutions.
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Contact details
E-mail: [email protected]