From Skilled Industry Practitioner to Kaiako

Originator/Sponsor: ConCOVE

Portfolio Managers: Lilla du Toit and Kylie Taffard

Status: Under development

Planned delivery date: October 2024

Lead Agency/Service Provider: Skills Group


Quality teaching and leadership are important to high quality VET and requires strong teaching across the education workforce. In response to the Review of VET in New Zealand, we aim to assess the training for industry-skilled professionals becoming kaiako. This project examines support and development models to enhance teaching quality and ākonga outcomes in vocational education.


The following outlines our intended outcomes:

  • The common elements of institution-based VET kaiako quality.
  • The initial and continual development pathways for institution-based VET kaiako for the NZ construction and infrastructure and food and fibre sectors.
  • Relevant and effective development pathways for institution-based VET kaiako in the construction and infrastructure and food and fibre sectors.

The following steps will be taken.

Step 1: Exploration of current requirements to become a kaiako in Construction and Infrastructure and Food and Fibre sectors, ensuring that graduates that are productive members of the team.
Step 2: Identify and describe best practice models within training environments that results in industry
Step 3: Presentation of the research using a systems change approach.
Step 4: A collated report with all of the above, including identification of gaps and consideration of changes to promote and disseminate good practices.

​The above information was current as at 27 September 2024