Originator/Sponsor: Food and Fibre CoVE
Portfolio Managers: Jackie Lynch
Status: In Delivery
Planned delivery date: 29 November 2024
Lead Agency / Service Provider: Skills Consulting Group
The objective of this research is to understand the regional workforce and crop requirements, to identify opportunities for training during the post-harvest period
Three deliverables have been identified. These include:
- Review the content of the Post-Harvest Programme and its suitability for application to the wider food and fibre sector, including potential adaptations for a range of other crop industries
- Conduct desk-based research and interviews (or face to face where appropriate), that may include:
- Workforce labour market analysis i.e. current workforce size in post-harvest operations across New Zealand
- Projected workforce needs in different regions
- Skills gaps and training requirements
- Undertake Stakeholder Engagement to:
- Assess interest in the programme from different regions and crop types
- Explore suitable delivery modes i.e. block courses/in-person components, online, and blended learning options
- Consult with stakeholders from various horticultural sectors beyond apples.
Currently, five Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs), Primary ITO, and one Private Training Establishment (PTE) are accredited to deliver the New Zealand Diploma in Horticulture Production (Level 5). However, only the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) currently offers the ‘Post-Harvest’ strand, primarily for students in the apple industry and local packing operations in Hawkes Bay. This strand covers advanced post-harvest processes, including leadership, quality management, and technology-driven operations, which are relevant to a wide range of crops across New Zealand.
EIT is exploring the possibility of transitioning the programme to an online format, potentially with block courses. To support this transition and the wider professional development needs of the sector, Food and Fibre CoVE will assess workforce demand in post-harvest occupations. This will involve reviewing the demand for the national diploma across different regions and crops, conducting a labour market analysis, and identifying potential industry partners interested in an online or block course delivery model.
The goal is to develop a nationwide programme that attracts students from various crop industries and potentially expands into additional post-harvest courses, such as vegetables.
The above information was current as at 30 August 2024