Originator/Sponsor: FFCoVE
Portfolio Managers: Jackie Lynch
Status: In delivery
Planned delivery date: 31 July 2025
Lead Agency / Service Provider: Scarlatti
Consultation is currently taking place on the future of New Zealand’s vocational education and training (VET) system for the food and fibre sector! The valuable insights gained will help elevate the ambitions and expectations across all stakeholders, offering a genuine opportunity on the type and level of change for five key beneficiaries:
- Industry, defined collectively as employers within the food and fibre sector
- Individual employers
- Learners engaged in training
- Māori
- New Zealand (as a whole)
A comprehensive sector analysis aims to shed light on vital aspects like:
- How well the current food and fibre VET system aligns with the desired outcomes for each of the five beneficiaries
- Identifying potential gaps where the present system might not meet expectations
- Exploring possible solutions to enhance the alignment of the food and fibre VET system with the outcomes desired by its beneficiaries
Full project objectives are still to be determined.
The above information was current as at 4 September 2024