Learner-Focused, Industry-Led, Government-Enabled

This framework has been designed to be used (and contributed to) by all food and fibre sector vocational education stakeholders, to develop engaged, effective and empowered employees.

How to use the Skills Framework

The Skills Framework has multiple dimensions, and the reader should approach from their own context as either an individual, employer or an educator.

As an individual

The Skills Framework is designed to aid your exploration of your current skills, and how they may be developed further to aid your development in life and at work. Each skill element has three progression levels. These should be broadly interpreted, and may not perfectly describe your situation (ie. you may want to develop skills, but not be in a supervisory role). Descriptive statements for each skill element take the form of “I can” statements, to help you assess where your skill level currently sits. In addition, the Scenario may assist by putting you in a real-world situation, and provide further grounding for the reflection on your skills. The resources listed for each skill set are an indication of next steps you could take in your development journey.

As an employer

As an employer or leader in an organisation, there is an additional interpretation that the Skills Framework can support. You should also review your skills as an individual (as per above), but in addition think how the Skills Framework could be integrated into current processes to aid recruitment, induction, ongoing development of your team. The resources are indicative of what environment you could provide to develop these skills in your work-place.

As an educator (provider or trainer)

As an educator, the Skills Framework provides common language and skill descriptions for skills that you are probably familiar with. By encouraging a consistent approach across the Vocational Education system, these skills can be amplified to make the workforce more flexible and transferable for our learners and employers. The resources are indicative of the environment you could provide to develop these skills for your ākonga.

Over time, specific resources will be created to fit the various needs of the stakeholders – employees/learners, employers, industry bodies, education providers.

At this point, this base document is the only resource. It should be used as a tool by stakeholders to create their own resources, and add their own context to the skills and descriptions.


We would love your feedback about the expanded Skills Framework

  • What do you like or works well?
  • What is missing or could be improved?
  • If you would like to work with Food and Fibre CoVE on the next phase of this project – designing and testing new resources in the workplace?

Please email Jackie Lynch