This project will gather evidence to establish benchmarks on the current state effectiveness on what is working and what is not, what has changed in recent years, and the impact of a range of secondary-tertiary-work interface initiatives.
Research and investigation will be done to understand:
The evaluation phase of the project produced an interim report. Its findings are particularly relevant to current considerations for changes to NCEA and the senior secondary curriculum. The report solidifies the positive impact of offering New Zealand’s youth opportunities to delve into and engage with the food and fibre industry while still in school. It also emphasises the mutual advantages when schools and employers work in partnership.
The second deliverable is a policy analysis report that was published October 2024. This report examines the current policy landscape within the interface of the secondary, tertiary and employment ecosystem. It highlights concerns regarding the lack of strategic coherence and clarity, as well as the overwhelming number of schemes and the prevalence of a ‘tack-on’ approach. The report includes international comparisons and analyses current initiatives, providing recommendations to create a more structured interface for transitioning secondary school learners into further education and/or employment.
A new rubric has been completed (see download below), and in progress is a forward-looking perspective on opportunities, focusing on how current policy and operational settings can be more effectively applied at intersections between secondary education, tertiary education and employment.
View our recent webinar to hear from the project researchers about the data inqury and policy analysis results.
The final phases are expected to be delivered by May 2025.
Skills Group
Fiona Windle , Portfolio Manager
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