HortNZ Leadership Alignment Programme

Originator/Sponsor: HortNZ

Portfolio Managers: Lilla du Toit

Status: In delivery

Planned delivery date: TBA

Lead Agency / Service Provider: Scarlatti

Objective: To review the current HortNZ Leadership programme against the learnings and underlying principles from the Food and Fibre Leadership Framework.

Abstract: Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ) has its own leadership programme. It was put on halt as it was unclear if it is attracting the right candidates for the content that is being delivered. HortNZ has been monitoring the Food and Fibre Leadership System project and would like to review their current programmes against the learnings from the FF Leadership Framework with a view to developing programmes with a specific horticulture focus while remaining aligned with the FF Leadership Framework.

The results of the research revealed that the Programme is a highly valued and effective programme with a unique value proposition. There is strong evidence that the Programme should continue and that there is a demand for this type of development opportunity. While most elements should be retained to avoid diminishing its value proposition, a few changes are necessary to ensure the right participants are attending, and that the Programme aligns with the Growing Together 2035 plan and the FFCove Leadership Development Framework. Results and recommendations for the revised HortNZ Leadership Programme are detailed in the Research Report

Rural Leaders will now design the HortNZ Leadership pilot programme, ensuring that it is aligned with the underlying principles of Food and Fibre Leadership Framework.

The above information was current as at 13 May 2024