Delivery and Assessment for the 21st Century

Originator/Sponsor: Te Pūkenga, Muka Tangata

Portfolio Managers: Jackie Lynch

Status: In delivery

Planned delivery date: October – August 2024

Lead Agency / Service Provider:  KPMG

Collaborating partners: Muka Tangata, Te Pūkenga, Food and Fibre CoVE

Primary Objective:

Muka Tangata and Te Pūkenga have identified the need to have programmes of study that are modern and relevant for the 21st Century. This project will do a critical assessment into delivery, assessment and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) methods. This project will seek to determine if existing delivery, assessment and RPL methods still have currency and if not suggest alternative models.

Secondary Objectives:

This project will review current delivery, assessment methods and RPL with a desk top review of national and international literature regarding:

  • Classroom based (including work integrated learning)
  • Work-based learning
  • On-line learning

and ascertain:

  • If they are still appropriate for the 21st Century, and/or
  • If there are opportunities to improve on them to ensure they become appropriate for the 21st Century and meet identified industry and learner needs

Two online focus groups were completed April, with the final report due out in August 2024.

The above information was current as at 19 July 2024